Tantric massag/day sessions in st petersburg, helsinki, coppenhagen
The Alegraluz massage sessions always contain three phases- orgasmic breathing, conscious touch and circulation of life force energy. In terms of the 3 hour process, the first 30 mins or so are dedicated to orgasmic breathing, though this continues throughout the 3 hour session. Without it, multiorgasms are not possible. Once you have a handle on the breathing, the actual massage starts. This slow and sensual (conscious touch) massage lasts 2 hours and covers every inch of your body. This massage works to increase the pleasurable sensations on the body and together with the breathing helps to circulate your life force energy with the Therapist. When this is done properly the experience of what can only be described as Bliss is possible. For the last 30 mins, the person who is working with you has to make an intuitive decision as to what technique or process to end with. She is a MASTER, she will know what you need most.
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or call: 00 34 61 777 9237
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Добавлено: 31 января 2011
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Актуально до: 31 июля 2011
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