Certified tantra teacher and therapist training in spain, india...
Un-tie your self ...
Your SELF is the only stable part of your being.
It has been with you since ever and it has never changed.
It is time to un-tie your SELF as it is your gateway to SELF expression and joy.
Your SELF is the reason that you are searching, looking, yearning.
Because you know your SELF, therefore you want to live from that SELF.
To live life from within to the outside is what you are craving.
Currently your existence is from the outside to the inside.
Your SELF has no change to show you the road to intimacy, openness and closeness.
Why not giving your SELF a chance?
You have a lot to gain .. you will be your true SELF!
Your SELF is uniquely geared to assist you to live a fulfilled life, filled with joy and creativity.
Be your SELF in 2011 and put life back into being alive.
Let go of being dependent, let go of being needy.
Embrace your true nature that knows abundance and fulfilment.
Shiva Shakti -
or phone our office: 0034 617 77 92 37
or contact: martin@alegraluz.com
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Номер объявления: 2318
Добавлено: 31 января 2011
Тип объявления: Предложение
Количество просмотров: 1018
Актуально до: 31 июля 2011
Статус объявления: Обычное